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Acta de investigación psicológica
versión On-line ISSN 2007-4719versión impresa ISSN 2007-4832
CHAIDEZ VILLALOBOS, Ileana Danae; VALDES-CUERVO, Angel Alberto; RAMOS LIRA, Luciana y YANEZ-QUIJADA, Adrián Israel. Validation of the Exposure to Community Violence in Adolescents Scale. Acta de investigación psicol [online]. 2023, vol.13, n.3, pp.78-89. Epub 03-Dic-2024. ISSN 2007-4719.
Community violence is a problem that affects the lives of Mexican adolescents. Researchers should use valid and reliable measures to study this construct. In the study, the scale to measure Exposure to Community Violence in Adolescents (EVC-A) was designed and validated in a sample of 598 Mexican secondary school students (M = 13.23 age, SD = 0.96), 313 male (51%) and 285 female (47%). Evidence of validity (content, discriminant and concurrent), reliability (internal consistency and explained variance), and invariance of the measurement model in both sexes were examined. The confirmatory factorial analysis verified the fit of the measurement model of two first-order factors to the data (direct and indirect violence); the discriminant validity analysis confirms that each dimension measures a single construct. The measurement invariance of the model was confirmed in both sexes. The positive relationships of both factors with bullying and victimization are evidence of the concurrent validity of the scale. These results suggest that the EVC-A is a psychometrically robust measure of the construct in Mexican adolescents.
Palabras llave : Exposure to community violence; Adolescence; Measure; Validity; Reliability.