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Acta de investigación psicológica
versión On-line ISSN 2007-4719versión impresa ISSN 2007-4832
PEDROZA RAMIREZ, Sharon Giuliana; PEREZ ARREGUIN, Daniel; TREJO MENDEZ, María Daniela y PAREDES GUERRERO, Raúl Gerardo. Alterations in Psychological Functions and Mobility in Patients with Lower Limb Amputations Due to Diabetes Mellitus. Acta de investigación psicol [online]. 2023, vol.13, n.3, pp.63-77. Epub 03-Dic-2024. ISSN 2007-4719.
In Mexico, about 5 to 7% of the population with diabetes (DM) has a lower limb amputation, representing 81% of amputations in Mexico, with around 28 470 cases per year out of a total of more than 935,000 people with amputations. However, this population has not been sufficiently studied, despite this high prevalence. The present study aims to evaluate different psychological variables in people with unilateral lower limb amputation due to type 2 DM (ADM) and control subjects (SC) in Mexico. A second objective is to correlate psychological variables with motor performance in subjects with ADM. A cross-sectional study with non-probabilistic convenience sampling was carried out on people with ADM and SC. Lower limb amputee mobility without or with a prosthesis (AMPPRO), cognitive domains (MoCA-E), anxiety and depression symptoms (BAI, BDI-II), physical and mental health (SF-36), and psychopathological symptoms were evaluated. The results showed significant differences in the MoCA domains, except for Identification, with lower scores for ADM. Differences were also obtained in the SF-36 domains of physical function and role and general health, with lower scores in the ADM group. No differences were obtained in BAI or BDI-II. The AMPPRO score correlated positively with the Physical Function score and negatively with BAI and BDI-II. In conclusion, ADM subjects show lower performance in visuospatial, language, attention, memory, abstraction, and orientation functions. This indicates that amputee patients require tailed and integrated care and not only the replacement of the lost limb with a prosthesis.
Palabras llave : Lower amputation; Psychology; Mobility; Diabetes; Mexico.