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vol.94 issue2Fossil woods from the San Carlos Formation (Upper Cretaceous), Chihuahua, MexicoManagement compromises and the sustainability of palm populations in Mayan homegardens author indexsubject indexsearch form
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Botanical Sciences

On-line version ISSN 2007-4476Print version ISSN 2007-4298


FARFAN-SANTILLAN, Norberto; MENDOZA-RUIZ, Aniceto; PEREZ-GARCIA, Blanca  and  VELAZQUEZ-MONTES, Ernesto. Palinology of the mexican species of Gleicheniaceae. Bot. sci [online]. 2016, vol.94, n.2, pp.281-289. ISSN 2007-4476.

The palynological study of the spores of Dicranopteris flexuosa, Diplopterygium bancroftii, Gleichenella pectinata, Sticherus bifidus, S. brevipubis, S. palmatus, and S. underwoodianus, which are all Mexican members of the family Gleicheniaceae was carried out. The material was collected in several locations of the country, morphological descriptions were made with optic and scanning electron microscopes, and this work includes images of all the studied species. Results show differences between species in laesure type and surface ornamentation. The micromorphology of the spores of S. brevipubis, S. palmatus, and S. underwoodianus are described for the first time.

Keywords : ornamentation; Pteridophyta; spores; scanning electron microscope.

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