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Botanical Sciences
On-line version ISSN 2007-4476Print version ISSN 2007-4298
LEON DE LA LUZ, José Luis; DOMINGUEZ-CADENA, Reymundo and MEDEL-NARVAEZ, Alfonso. Floristics of the Tropical Dry Forest of the Baja California Peninsula, Mexico. Bot. sci [online]. 2012, vol.90, n.2, pp.143-162. ISSN 2007-4476.
The objective of this research was to prepare a floristic list of the tropical dry forest in Baja California Peninsula and to delimit its coverage. This forest covers 3,325 km2 in the mountainous southernmost part of the peninsula; this community is the driest version of its type in Mexico. After decades of fieldwork, the representation of the flora in the herbarium of the Centro de Investigaciones Biologicas is almost complete. There are 645 taxa of vascular plants, of which 37 are endemics to this area. The authors discuss the floristic composition of the ecologically dominant plants based on field surveys. Lysiloma microphyllum is the most important species in this vegetation community. Using growth form analysis, we found that climbers have a proportional frequency similar to that of the Sonoran Desert flora and neighboring communities, but are significantly less than other dry tropical forests in southern Mexico.
Keywords : climbers; endemicity; Lysiloma microphyllum; neotropical forest.