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Revista Chapingo serie ciencias forestales y del ambiente

On-line version ISSN 2007-4018Print version ISSN 2007-3828


SOTELO-BARRERA, Mireya et al. Arboreal structure and cultural importance of traditional fruit homegardens of Coatetelco, Morelos, Mexico. Rev. Chapingo ser. cienc. for. ambient [online]. 2017, vol.23, n.1, pp.137-153. ISSN 2007-4018.

Traditional fruit homegardens are units of production of high richness of species with value in use. The objective was to analyze the relationship between the arboreal structure of 30 homegardens of Coatetelco, Morelos and the value in use of the species. The structure was quantified through the Importance Value Index (IVI). The Cultural Value Index (CVI) identified the preference of the community. The arboreal variety includes 24 botanical families, 49 genera and 65 species; 45 % were introduced and 55 % were native of America from which 23 % belonged to dry tropical deciduous forest. Ecologically and culturally, the most important species are the multiple use ones (Leucaena leucocephala, and L. esculenta), self-supply and sale ones (Mangifera indica, and Citrus x aurantium), and the ones produced during dry season (Spondias purpurea and Pithecellobium dulce). The size of homegardens, specific richness and density are positively related. Importance value and cultural value index correlated 86 %. The structure of the homegardens was organized because of cultural reasons. The preferred species are the ones with the highest value in use. Native trees such as Amphipterygium adstringens, Swietenia humilis, Jacaratia mexicana, Enterolobium cyclocarpum and also some other species introduced as Citrus maxima, Ficus carica and Moringa oleifera which could be lost because of lack of space.

Keywords : Botanical composition; arboreal density; bio-cultural indicators; richness of species; size of the homegarden; value in use.

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