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PAAKAT: revista de tecnología y sociedad

On-line version ISSN 2007-3607


PORTILLO SANCHEZ, Maricela; RODRIGUEZ CANO, César Augusto  and  PEREZ LUQUE, Citlali Stephany. Feminist technopolitics, multi-field struggles and the collapse of walls. A Network Ethnography of # 8M2021 in Mexico. PAAKAT: rev. tecnol. soc. [online]. 2022, vol.12, n.22, e719.  Epub Oct 19, 2022. ISSN 2007-3607.

In this paper we present the results of the analysis of the feminist mobilizations that occurred in Mexico around March 8, 2021 from the follow-up of three hashtags that articulated a series of technocommunicative actions of socio-digital intervention and discussion: #LeyOlimpia, #UnVioladorNoSeráGobernador and #TomaLasCallesNoCalles. The objective was to show the deployment of these forms of technopolitics through a network ethnography, which allowed us to identify nodes, actors, nuclei of relationships and key narratives. Faced with political and social contexts of violence, normalization and impunity, through multi-field struggles, feminist actions name and make visible overlapping problems that are part of an urgent agenda, breaking into online and offline spaces with demands to challenge power. The results allow us to reflect on the “walls” in the face of protests.

Keywords : Feminist technopolitics; Network Etnography; Technocommunicative Actions; Power.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )