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Concreto y cemento. Investigación y desarrollo

Print version ISSN 2007-3011


SUAREZ-DOMINGUEZ, Edgardo Jonathan et al. Oscillating temperature profile model for a poured earth wall. Concr. cem. investig. desarro [online]. 2015, vol.7, n.1, pp.44-51. ISSN 2007-3011.

Currently the poured earth can be used as a sustainable solution in the construction of homes, yet their properties have not been studied in depth and its benefits have been derived only from empirical analysis. There are various material characteristics among which resistance to heat transfer is notable. In this paper a mathematical model is proposed to describe the temporal variation of temperature along a wall when it is exposed to sunlight heat. It was found that the model can be integrated with an exponential equation which includes the sine and cosine simple functions and with an external temperature equals to Txl = TA + A (sin tw).

Keywords : Temperature profile; poured earth; heat transfer; oscillating model.

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