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vol.15 número42A formação inicial para a docência universitária: experiência e discursos de doutorandos do Instituto de Biologia da UNICAMPGestão do risco de fraude acadêmica no ensino superior. Uma análise em universidades de Medellín, Colômbia, em tempos de COVID-19 índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista iberoamericana de educación superior

versão On-line ISSN 2007-2872


MUNOZ-MUNOZ, Juan-Rafael  e  GONZALEZ-MARTIN, Javier. Music Education Beyond the Classroom: Intervention in the Hospital Classroom in the Initial Training for Teachers. Rev. iberoam. educ. super [online]. 2024, vol.15, n.42, pp.136-151.  Epub 29-Nov-2024. ISSN 2007-2872.

Music learning should be globalized, contextualized, participatory, creative and functional. To this effect, it is necessary to take the teaching of Music Education out of the classroom to see how it can have a great influence on its environment, while students can apply what they learn in class in real situations. At the University of Almeria, within the Music Education area, we develop different service-learning interventions with this purpose. One of these strategies are concerts for hospitalized students. Through this type of service-learning interventions, students can learn in a more rewarding and functional way that provides a service while making others happy. A total of 397 students from the Early Childhood Education and Primary Education Teacher Education degrees have participated in those concerts. As a case study and intervention of service-learning, as well as for the collection of information, the guidelines of Puig et al. (2006) were followed.

Palavras-chave : Teaching methodology; Music education; Educational intervention; University-society relationship; Spain.

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