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Revista iberoamericana de educación superior

versão On-line ISSN 2007-2872


ZILIOTTO, Alcione  e  LUIZ-POLI, Odilon. Performativity and Identity of University Professors. Rev. iberoam. educ. super [online]. 2024, vol.15, n.42, pp.20-36.  Epub 29-Nov-2024. ISSN 2007-2872.

This research, organized as a case study in three Brazilian institutions, aims to analyze how university professors are reformulating their professional identity when facing the pressures and demands of current higher education policies. It identifies as a trend that institutional leaders have incorporated many of the principles that characterize managerialism and the logic of performativity. Teachers observe a profound transformation in teaching, which is more complex and challenging, with significant changes in theirrole and an increasing level of stress.

Palavras-chave : Teaching identity; Performativity; Evaluation in higher education; Educational policies; Brazil.

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