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vol.10 número19Distanciamiento ilustrado en las argumentaciones deconstructoras de Rousseau“Instrúyete y tu suerte variará”. La Botánica en El Economista Mexicano, 1886-1892 índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão impressa ISSN 2007-2538


SANCHEZ MENCHERO, Mauricio. When Saying Napoleon III Meant Hitler: The biopics of Dieterle and Muni (1935-1939). Valenciana [online]. 2017, vol.10, n.19, pp.169-205. ISSN 2007-2538.

Film producer Warner Brothers created three biopics on Louis Pasteur, Benito Juárez and Emile Zola. This trilogy, made in the years before World War II, when censorship in industry was more forcefully established,became an item of anti-Nazi propaganda despite pressure from the German government. All this thanks to the ingenuity of two artists of Jewish origin in Hollywood: actor Paul Muni and director William Dieterle. Both used, in a creative way, the rhetorical figures of the allusion or the simile, next to the one of the displacement.

Palavras-chave : Cinema; Propaganda; Biopic; Jewish; Nazi.

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