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vol.14 número27Los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio y la brecha de género: mujeres en Educación Superior en MéxicoPropuesta de intervención “Soy capaz”. Empoderamiento del docente para la enseñanza en educación sexual índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Diálogos sobre educación. Temas actuales en investigación educativa

versión On-line ISSN 2007-2171


NUNO-GUTIERREZ, Bertha Lidia  y  MARTINEZ, Carlos Eduardo. Notions of gender and sexual practices among adolescents in school in three cities of Mexico. Diálogos sobre educ. Temas actuales en investig. educ. [online]. 2023, vol.14, n.27, 00006.  Epub 25--2024. ISSN 2007-2171.

The aim of our research was to assess the link between gender notions and sexual practices in school adolescents. The study included 693 male and female students from public high schools in Ciudad Juarez, Guadalajara, and Campeche (México). Sociodemographic variables, gender notions and sexual practices were evaluated. We found a significant difference in the prevalence of sexual intercourse in males and females, as well as a significant association between gender notions and the presence of sexual intercourse, contraceptive use, sexual intercourse with alcohol and number of sexual partners. We conclude that the notion of gender is a predictor of sexual practices in adolescents and, due to its sociocultural component, it is an issue that concerns educational and health institutions.

Palabras llave : adolescents; alcohol; gender; risk factors; sexual practice.

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