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Revista mexicana de trastornos alimentarios

On-line version ISSN 2007-1523


AGUILERA CERVANTES, Virginia Gabriela et al. Effect of the number of interruptions in the pattern of sedentary behavior on energy expenditure. Rev. Mex. de trastor. aliment [online]. 2016, vol.7, n.1, pp.46-55. ISSN 2007-1523.

Sedentary behavior's role on health damage has been documented as a promoting factor of pathologies. Scientific evidence shows an increasing percentage of people with sedentary activity especially in large cities causing overweight, obesity, diabetes, hypertension etc. Effects of interrupting sedentary behavior periods with physical activity have been recently evaluated, demonstrating increases on energy expenditure. The objective of this experiment was to compare the effect of two interruption programs of sedentary behavior pattern on caloric expenditure. Participants were exposed to two interruption programs of sedentary behavior. For energy expenditure, heart monitors brand Beurer PM18 model used. First program consisted on 15-minutes periods of sedentary behavior followed by a 2.5 minutes walking break as physical activity. Second program consisted on periods of 30 minutes of sedentary behavior followed by a 5 minutes break of physical activity. Analysis used Student t test for paired samples showed a significant difference in caloric expenditure during sedentary behavior between program 1 and 2. Concluding that increasing the number of interruptions of periods of sedentary behavior has a direct effect on caloric expenditure.

Keywords : Sedentary behavior; Energy expenditure; Behavior patterns; Activity.

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