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Revista mexicana de trastornos alimentarios

On-line version ISSN 2007-1523


NAVARRO-MEZA, Mónica et al. Comparison in food intake of adults residing in a rural and urban area of Jalisco, Mexico. Rev. Mex. de trastor. aliment [online]. 2014, vol.5, n.1, pp.11-19. ISSN 2007-1523.

The changes demographic and epidemiological in recent years worldwide to related an increase in the adult population (OMS, 2002). This in turn has led to a significant change in eating habits, which has affected the nutritional status in rural and urban areas. In Mexico had reported an increase in high caloric foods intake, which is associated with in the increase in overweight and obesity (ENSANUT, 2006). The aim of this study was evaluate and compare the diet of adults residing urban and rural area of Jalisco, Mexico. This across sectional, descriptive and comparative study, of 52 adults (50-90 years), 26 reside in a rural area and 26 in an urban area. Dietary intake we evaluated by food frequency questionnaire in twenty-four hours dietary record. Multivariate analysis of variance to allow for covariate adjustment it we used, like the IMC, age, gender, and kilocalories, considering a significant difference p ≤ de 0.05. Results showed that in rural area, adults presented a lower energy intake and showed higher consumption of vitamin C (p= 0.05) and cereals (p= 0.001); adults in urban area had higher intake of foods high in fat (p= 0.045). These results contribute to the current nutritional status of adults in Mexico, with differences in nutrient intake in rural and urban areas. It suggests that assess eating habits in older adults need to include other factors including, the quality of life.

Keywords : rural and urban region; food intake; adults.

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