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vol.14 número3Dinámica del pastoreo en la asociación cultivos y ovinos de agroecosistemas de clima templado en MéxicoSincronización de estros en ovejas mediante protocolo de 6 días con CIDR de primera, segunda y tercera reutilización índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista mexicana de ciencias pecuarias

versão On-line ISSN 2448-6698versão impressa ISSN 2007-1124


LA O-ARIAS, Manuel Alejandro et al. Interactive laboratories for experiential learning and integrated management of gastrointestinal parasitism of sheep and goats. Rev. mex. de cienc. pecuarias [online]. 2023, vol.14, n.3, pp.592-609.  Epub 08-Set-2023. ISSN 2448-6698.

The objective was to evaluate the effectiveness of interactive laboratories in generating meaningful learning, modifier of parasite control practices. Interactive laboratories are a methodology for the building of knowledge that facilitate the interaction of sheep and goat farmers with laboratory techniques, on their own farm, to enrich their perceptions about the parasitic process. The research was conducted in the Cauto River Valley, Cuba, in the municipalities of Jiguaní and Bayamo. Fifty sheep and goat farmers were studied. From an interpretative approach, the effect of the activities implemented with the methodology of interactive laboratories on the learning of farmers regarding gastrointestinal strongylosis of small ruminants was evaluated. The participating farmers showed a limited initial understanding of the processes of parasitic infestation based on the lack of previous perceptions about them. The interactive laboratories allowed the creation of key perceptions of the parasitic process, such as etiological agents, sources of infestation and transmission mechanisms; based on a new semantic network with concepts assimilated from visual and lived experience. This allowed the conceptual differentiation of gastrointestinal strongyles with respect to other etiological agents, as well as different stages of the life cycle of these parasites. As a consequence, there was meaningful learning with effective changes in parasite control practices, consistent with preventive strategies.

Palavras-chave : Goats; Traditional knowledge; Parasitology; Participation; Sheep.

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