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Revista mexicana de ciencias agrícolas

Print version ISSN 2007-0934


ALVAREZ-HERNANDEZ, Juan Carlos et al. Productive potential of rice ‘Lombardía FLAR 13’, genotype of long and thin grain of the rice-growing area of Michoacán. Rev. Mex. Cienc. Agríc [online]. 2022, vol.13, n.6, pp.1117-1127.  Epub Feb 24, 2023. ISSN 2007-0934.

In Mexico, it has been a challenge to meet the national demand for rice, which exceeds 850 000 tons per year, so in recent years imports have been resorted to. Given this, in order to counteract this situation, the development of technologies specific to production systems and the implementation of genetic improvement programs aimed at the generation of genotypes and their adaptation to the rice-growing areas of the country have been encouraged. Despite the efforts, there is still a lack of long and thin grain rice varieties that are of good industrial grain quality and competitive with imported rice, in addition to being preferred by the consumer. Consequently, in the rice-growing region of Michoacán, advanced rice lines were identified, where the Lombardía FLAR 13 genotype emerged. During the 2017 to 2020 cycles, this material was experimentally evaluated in comparison with the Milagro Filipino genotype in Lombardía, municipality of Gabriel Zamora, Michoacán. Morphological and productive variables were recorded. With the data obtained, in addition to the verification of the tests of normality and homogeneity of variances, they were analyzed with the t-student statistical test for independent samples. The results showed superiority of the Lombardía FLAR 13 genotype over the Milagro Filipino genotype, since in most of the morphological variables evaluated, it equaled and even exceeded in the productive variables, particularly in the latter, the yields were greater than 9 t ha-1, it also showed productive stability during the evaluated cycles, so it is competitive with the conventional variety Milagro Filipino, which is established in the area.

Keywords : Oriza sativa; FLAR; Latin American fund for irrigated rice; rice genotypes.

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