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Revista mexicana de ciencias agrícolas

Print version ISSN 2007-0934


FAJARDO-REBOLLAR, Evelia et al. Mineral nutrition of chilhuacle in three phenological stages. Rev. Mex. Cienc. Agríc [online]. 2022, vol.13, n.1, pp.155-165.  Epub May 02, 2022. ISSN 2007-0934.

Chilhuacle (Capsicum annuum L.) is one of the most popular chili peppers in Oaxaca. However, the handling and postharvest of the fruits is unknow, this directly affects the yield and quality of the fruit. In order to evaluate different nutrient solutions for each phenological stage, three experiments were established in the experimental field of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of the Autonomous University of the State of Morelos. Three concentrations of NO3 - were evaluated in the vegetative stage, nine NO3 -:H2PO4 -:SO4 2- rations in the reproductive stage, and nine NO3 -:K+ ratios in the fruiting stage. The treatments were distributed in a completely randomized block design with five repetitions and one plant per experimental unit in black polyethylene containers (15.14 L), in a triangular planting system (50 cm vegetative stage and 75 cm in the reproductive and fruiting stage), drip irrigation system and red tezontle gravel as substrate. The results indicated that the nutrient solutions produced significance in height, stem diameter, root volume, dry matter of stem and of whole plant 14 meq L-1 of NO3 - in the vegetative stage; reduced flower abortion and increased the number of buds per plant with 10:0.75:9.25 meq L-1 of NO3 -:H2PO4 -:SO4 2- during the reproductive stage and in fruit, the ratio 14:9 meq L-1 of NO3 -:K+ favored by significantly increasing the equatorial diameter, weight of fresh and dry matter of fruit.

Keywords : fruiting stage; nutrient solutions; phenology.

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