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Revista mexicana de ciencias agrícolas

versão impressa ISSN 2007-0934


PEREZ-BARRAZA, Maria Hilda et al. Temperature and floral development in the formation of parthenocarpic fruits in mango ‘Ataulfo’. Rev. Mex. Cienc. Agríc [online]. 2019, vol.10, n.spe23, pp.199-210.  Epub 20-Nov-2020. ISSN 2007-0934.

One of the main problems in mango ‘Ataulfo’ is the so-called ‘mango child’ to refer to the high production of parthenocarpic fruits. The objective was to determine the factors of the climate that affect the presence of parthenocarpic fruits and in which part of the development of the inflorescence and fruit are affecting. The study was carried out from 2017 to 2018 in a commercial orchard of mango ‘Ataulfo’, with an incidence of 80% of parthenocarpic fruits, 10 trees were selected and in each tree 50 inflorescences were marked, in each flow of flowering presented, which they were distributed around the tree and in the middle part of the treetop. The variables evaluated were the development of the inflorescence, percentage and type of fruits (parthenocarpic and with seed), embryo development and temperature. Two flowering flows were presented. The second flowering period lasted for a period slightly longer than 70 days and the stage of full flowering until fruit set coincided with extreme temperatures, minimum of 15 °C on average and maximum above 35. The highest production of parthenocarpic fruit was presented in the second flowering flow with 75%, while in the first the production of fruits with seed exceeded the parthenocarpic. In Nayarit, the presence of parthenocarpic fruits is related to extreme temperatures (≤15 and ≥35 °C) during the period of full flowering until fruit mooring, causing embryo abortion.

Palavras-chave : Mangifera indica L.; development of embryo; fruits without seed; inflorescence; mooring of fruits.

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