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Revista mexicana de ciencias agrícolas

Print version ISSN 2007-0934


GONZALEZ FLORES, Salvador et al. Typology of corn producers in the municipalities of Villaflores and La Trinitaria, Chiapas. Rev. Mex. Cienc. Agríc [online]. 2018, vol.9, n.8, pp.1763-1776.  Epub Oct 06, 2020. ISSN 2007-0934.

Given the importance of maize at the national level, the typification of the producers in the municipalities of greater importance on the participation of the productive system of the corn of the state of Chiapas, is transcendental for the specific design of public policies that favor the increase of the production and the achievement of agricultural development. Due to the complexity of agriculture in the country due to its diversification in terms of production process, behavior and trends. What it implies to envisage the actors in the rural scenario, in terms of their articulation in the territorial space, the availability of technologies and governmental support, as well as their scope and limitations. The objective of this research was to typify corn producers in the municipalities of Villaflores and La Trinitaria, by determining the production conditions, to establish the factors that strengthen the productive units in 2018. Sampling was applied stratified proportional affixation and multivariate analysis by conglomerates, using the hierarchical and grouping Wards methods. The results have identified three types of producers for each of the municipalities, where the variables that marked the differences between types were: age, education and experience of the producer, agricultural area, destination and production costs, type of seed, yields, among other. It is concluded that the production of corn continues to be a factor and central axis for farmers in the region.

Keywords : Zea mays L.; producer differentiation; productive conditions.

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