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Revista mexicana de ciencias agrícolas

Print version ISSN 2007-0934


ROCHA FLORES, Rosa Gloria; GARCIA MARTINEZ, Oswaldo; VILLARREAL QUINTANILLA, José Ángel  and  SANCHEZ PENA, Sergio Rene. Species of Hemiptera-Heteroptera associated to Opuntia spp. and Nopalea spp. in the Mexican Chihuahuense Desert. Rev. Mex. Cienc. Agríc [online]. 2017, vol.8, n.8, pp.1773-1784. ISSN 2007-0934.

The Chihuahuense Desert has an approximate extension of 507 000 km2 where a vast diversity of organisms is expressed, with a good number of Hemiptera-Heteroptera species present. In this study we determined species of the group in the Chihuahuense Desert, covering six states of the Mexican Republic of this important ecosystem. 10 families of Heteroptera were identified, among them Miridae and Coreidae, in the latter the first report is highlighted of Chelinidea vittiger aequoris Uhler, 1963 for this ecosystem and Cimicidae and Reduviidae, which have medical-veterinary importance.

Keywords : Cactaceae; Chelinidea vittiger; Coreidae; Mexico; nopales.

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