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Revista mexicana de ciencias agrícolas

Print version ISSN 2007-0934


RAMOS REYES, Rodimiro et al. Adaptation of coastal vulnerability model in the coast of Tabasco to climate change. Rev. Mex. Cienc. Agríc [online]. 2016, vol.7, n.spe13, pp.2551-2563. ISSN 2007-0934.

Coastal areas face drastically the effect of climate change (CC), for its geographical location are prone to erosion and flooding, causing loss of land and crops near to the coast, reducing the distribution of natural and cultivated species. The sea level rise (INM) is caused by CC, which increases the vulnerability of coastal community’s worldwide. Coastal vulnerability index (IVC) is a methodology based on a complex set of coastal factors that identify the risk of a specific danger. The objective was to analyze the compatibility and adaptability of IVC in the coast of Tabasco, to the effects of climate change. Based on a literature review, accurate data on the potential impacts of INM in the state of Tabasco are obtained. It is concluded that the approach of IVC is possible to apply considering variables that contribute to the adaptation of the coast, such as coastal geomorphology, coastal slope, sea level rise, changes in the coastline, waves and tidal range. In the particular case of Tabasco coast, sedimentation and subsidence variables can strengthen the prediction of the impacts from INM. The lack of information on some variables is a limitation on the application of IVC on the coast of Tabasco, although it is feasible to make adaptations to the model, because depending on local coastal features, some variables influence more or less in the accuracy of the information obtained.

Keywords : coastal erosion; flooding; sea level rise and coast.

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