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Revista mexicana de ciencias agrícolas

Print version ISSN 2007-0934


MEDINA-TORRES, Raúl; JUAREZ-LOPEZ, Porfirio; SALAZAR-GARCIA, Samuel  and  VALDIVIA-BERNAL, Roberto. Study of the main pests of nance [Byrsonima crassifolia (L.) HBK] in Nayarit, Mexico. Rev. Mex. Cienc. Agríc [online]. 2013, vol.4, n.3, pp.423-433. ISSN 2007-0934.

The nance (Byrsonima crassifolia) is consistently attacked by insects that can be considered its main pests.The nance pests that have been found are: fruitworm (Cryptophebia spp.; Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), dried fruit weevil (Carpophilus spp.; Coleoptera: Nitidulidae), the nance spittlebug (Clastoptera spp.; Hemiptera: Clastopteridae), tree parakeet (Membracis Mexicana; Homoptera: Membracidae), green scale (Coccus viridis; Hemiptera: Coccidae) and the mealybug (Planoccus citri; Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae).

Keywords : Byrsonima crassifolia; insects.

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