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Nova scientia

On-line version ISSN 2007-0705


RUIZ LEDESMA, Elena F.. Study about the difficulties that higher-level students have when solving Calculus problems and the use of the technological learning scenario as a support in the classroom work. Nova scientia [online]. 2019, vol.11, n.23, 00013.  Epub Mar 10, 2020. ISSN 2007-0705.


The work carried out through the use of a techno-pedagogical scenario is described, which is made up of the content of the subject of Applied Calculus in the Higher Level, the use of teaching and learning strategies (pedagogical work) and the use of technology. Specifically, we worked with an expert system called SIMAATCA, in which there are several multimedia resources to which students have access. It is intended to determine if with the employment of the techno-pedagogical scenario the students manage to improve their performance in one of the units of the curriculum (Unit 1. Applications of the Derivative) of the subject of Applied Calculus.


The research study was developed with two groups of 33 students each one, who were starting their second semester in the degree, one group was considered as the control one (GC) and the other was an experimental group (GE). In both groups the same Unit of the curriculum was approached, what differentiates the two groups is the teaching strategy used. In the control group was worked in a traditional way, using exclusively the blackboard and the textbook; while in the experimental group was worked with the techno-pedagogical scenario. The student's academic performance was measured by comparing the results obtained between the pretest and the posttest, both questionnaires applied to the two groups (control and experimental).


The results obtained in the diagnostic questionnaire (pre-test) both by the control group (CG) and the experimental group (EG) was very low since the students presented difficulties in the approaches of most of the problems. After having worked with both groups using different strategies, the post-test was applied. This time there was an improvement in the results obtained by both groups, but the EG excelled in the number of correct answers and the way to face each problem, compared to the CG.

Keywords : calculus applications; teaching process; learning process; multimedia resources; problem solving.

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