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Nova scientia

On-line version ISSN 2007-0705


SUAREZ-DOMINGUEZ, Edgardo Jonathan; ARANDA-JIMENEZ, Yolanda Guadalupe; PALACIO-PEREZ, Arturo  and  IZQUIERDO-KULICH, Elena. Mathematical model for the description of heat transfer for poured earth. Nova scientia [online]. 2014, vol.6, n.12, pp.379-390. ISSN 2007-0705.

Earth architecture implies sustainable constructive processes as it uses vernacular and lasting materials whose waste are of low impact to the environment. Poured earth is a technique from which resistant walls can be obtained in the housing construction but whose properties have been researched very little and represented by models. Heat transference is one of the most important characteristics when building on hot areas because it implies certain levels of comfort for the user. The present word proposes a model to determine the transfer heat capacity of poured earth with potential use for other determinations on different temperatures. Some implications are also presented. It has been discovered that the coefficient of transfer heat of samples of poured earth was of α =4.319 x 10-8m2s-1, as its heat capacity is of 1.1030 kJkg-1K-1.

Keywords : Poured earth; coefficient of transfer of heat.

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