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vol.6 issue11Laboratory scale study of uncommon degradation SiO2 refractories used on induction furnacesApplication of discordancy and significance statistical tests for the comparison of dacitic volcanism from the central part of the Mexican Volcanic Belt author indexsubject indexsearch form
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Nova scientia

On-line version ISSN 2007-0705


REYES-VILLAGRANA, R. A.  and  CONTRERAS-SOLORIO, D. A.. Simulation and comparison of electrical response of some piezoelectric materials used in the medical echography. Nova scientia [online]. 2014, vol.6, n.11, pp.135-157. ISSN 2007-0705.

The acoustics is interpreted as the science that studies sound waves, vibrations and their interactions with the environment, in both macroscopic and microscopic systems. This paper presents the model of piezoelectric acoustic detector developed with the OrCAD-PSpice program, to determine the maximum voltage amplitude using piezoelectric materials such as Quartz, PZT-5H, PVDF and PSMNZT. Our objective is to determine which of these piezoelectric materials: natural, ceramics, polymers and composites ceramics generates the maximum voltage without adding a stage of signal conditioning. Thus we have a computational tool to predict the voltages applied that yield piezoelectric materials using the technique of transmission, in the absence of the equipment to perform these comparisons. The water is used as a propagation medium and we proposes different thicknesses for simulations. We show the simulation graphs, where the PSMNZT provided a maximum voltage 21.272V with a thickness of 10µm.

Keywords : Acoustic detector; Modelling; OrCAD-PSpice; Piezoelectric; Simulation.

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