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Nova scientia
On-line version ISSN 2007-0705
ITURRI HINOJOSA, Alejandro; MARTYNYUK, Alexander E. and LOPEZ BONILLA, José Luis. Design of a multilayer RADANT -type antenna based on p-i-n diodes for the X-band. Nova scientia [online]. 2014, vol.6, n.11, pp.81-92. ISSN 2007-0705.
A design of a multilayer RADANT -type antenna based on PIN diodes for the X band is presented. The geometry of cells that conforms the grids and the scanning responses in E and H planes of a 3-bit multilayered antenna are obtained. A designed pair of grids for a multilayer array antenna achieves a phase shift difference of 3.5° in a bandwidth of 400MHz, with reflection coefficient less than 0.1 and a better insertion loss of -0.1dB. The E-plane scanning results shows emitting waves with directions up to 20° with conversion coefficient greater than 0.6 with a bandwidth of 1GHz. The H-plane scanning result have low conversion coefficient and low scanning angles due to the strong mutual interaction between elements.
Keywords : Multilayer RADANT antenna; beam scanning; PIN diodes.