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El periplo sustentable

versión On-line ISSN 1870-9036


PEREZ GAXIOLA, Adrialy  y  CAMBEROS CASTRO, Mario. Inequality, tourism and welfare: analysis regional and by States, according to stratum urban and rural. El periplo sustentable [online]. 2017, n.32, 00008. ISSN 1870-9036.

The importance of tourism to economic growth is recognized around the world, however the question remains, as this wealth is impacting on the welfare of Mexican. In this respect we show the effect that inequality has on household welfare that in Mexico and its regions works on tourism, for this, it relied on the concept of inequality derived from welfare as do Foster and Sen (1997) "W = μ(1-I)", and the tourism regionalization proposed by Propín and Sanchez (2002). Inequality measured by the Gini coefficient, the total income per capita adjustedconsidered for equivalence scale based on household economies. The results show that the tourist population in rural quantify levels more favorable than the urban tourist population welfare.

Palabras llave : Tourism; inequality; economic well-being; per capita incomeequivalent.

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