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vol.14 número27Una investigación sobre migración en el marco de la seguridad humanaMigración rural, remesas y su relación con la diversificación sustentable y los patrones de consumo. Un estudio de caso en la zona costera de Oaxaca índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Migración y desarrollo

versão impressa ISSN 1870-7599


CANALES, Alejandro I.  e  MEZA, Sofía. Aim of the collapse and new migratory scene Mexico-United States. Migr. desarro [online]. 2016, vol.14, n.27, pp.65-107. ISSN 1870-7599.

The unusual pause in the growth of Mexican migration in recent years led some authors to talk of a possible collapse in the Mexico-United States migratory system. However, from our perspective, we do not see that there exists sufficient empirical evidence nor theoretical argument to sustain a thesis of this kind. Notably, recent data drawn from statistical sources -both Mexican and from the United States- as well as a halt to migrant returns from the USA, indicate a new phase within this large migratory cycle, where structural factors showed their impact and influence in that dynamic. In this sense, everything indicates that the pause in migration constituted, instead, a temporary phase within the larger Mexico-United States migration cycle, whose dynamic was determined by the economic crisis at the end of the previous decade.

Palavras-chave : migratory collapse; return; emigration; economic crisis; migratory cycle.

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