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Tzintzun. Revista de estudios históricos

On-line version ISSN 2007-963XPrint version ISSN 1870-719X


ROMERO TOVAR, Sigifredo  and  GARCIA JURADO, Mayra Alejandra. Prisons in 19th century Colombia: A historiographical essay. Tzintzun. Rev. estud. históricos [online]. 2021, n.74, pp.205-237.  Epub Oct 04, 2021. ISSN 2007-963X.

In this paper is presented a historiographic review, which looks into the prison system of the 19th century in Colombia. The historic literature of the last 30 years concerning jails, “reclusion homes” for adulterous and ex-prostitute women and prisons throughout the 19th century is included. This literature is approached through its themes, conclusions, sources and positions in the face of international developments on this area. Trends and general guidelines on the study of this historical phenomenon in Colombia are identified.

Keywords : prisons; Colombia; 19th Century; historiography.

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