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Tzintzun. Revista de estudios históricos

On-line version ISSN 2007-963XPrint version ISSN 1870-719X


SPENSER, Daniela. The foundation of the Confederation of Mexican Workers. Tzintzun. Rev. estud. históricos [online]. 2014, n.60, pp.248-279. ISSN 2007-963X.

The article argues that the Mexican leader and politician, Vicente Lombardo Toledano, who dedicated his life to the creation of labor unions, newspapers, workers' universities, magazines and parties, held a concept of popular democracy whose axis and executor was the State. he methodological focus to elaborate the arguments of this article is not only social and political history but also the biography with which it is articulated. he articulation of history and biography grants a subjective dimension to the projection of the individual in the trajectory ofhis times. he article is based primarily on the archive of Lombardo Toledano and combines information from this archive with other archives, permitting one to reexamine the relations between Lombardo Toledano and the Mexican Communist Party, the compromises between him and Fidel Velázquez and the methods to achieve the CTM's penetration in the country's states. Ultimately, the problem that the article discusses is worker's democracy and union autonomy.

Keywords : Vicente Lombardo Toledano; Confederation of Mexican Workers; labor unions; democracy.

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