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On-line version ISSN 2594-0716Print version ISSN 1870-6916


ZAMORA TORRES, América Ivonne  and  DIAZ BARAJAS, Yesica. Factors that inside on the organ donation culture in Morelia, Michoacán: Towards a proposal of a new public policy. Tla-melaua [online]. 2018, vol.12, n.44, pp.98-119. ISSN 2594-0716.

Organ transplantation is a routine medical procedure in more than one hundred countries. It represents the only living possibility for thousands of patients with some kind of terminal organ failure. The problem is similar in many cases of transplants a shortage of organs. The majority of the population is in favor of organ donation, but it is not put in practice, and the number of donations is very limited.

The culture of organ donation is determined by people’s attitude. It is determined by an acceptance or rejection towards donation. Therefore, we will determine the variables that determine the culture of organ donation in Morelia. The purpose is to have a theory that allows the design of public policy strategies to consolidate donation; for this reason a questionnaire was applied to a sample of 400 people over 15 years old. The main factors of influence are education, income, and knowledge of when a person is declared brain death. It is a simple matter of talking about the subject at home and having specific places that provide the correct information and aspects about organ donation.

Keywords : Donation of organs; decision tree; public policies; health.

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