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On-line version ISSN 2007-9869Print version ISSN 1870-6622
CHEW HERNANDEZ, Mario Luis; VELAZQUEZ ROMERO, Verónica; DIAZ TELLEZ, Rebeca and VIVEROS ROSAS, Leopoldo. Propuesta de modelo multicriterio innovador para el análisis del proyecto de inversión en una planta de tratamiento de aguas. EconoQuantum [online]. 2011, vol.8, n.1-2, pp.91-119. ISSN 2007-9869.
Currently, business decisions should be taken carefully, using all the available information, and with a complete understanding of the business objectives. A private school has profits as its ultimate objective; however, quantifying the impact of the achievement of lower level objectives (for instance, academic or environmental objectives), on the ultimate objective, is a difficult task. Nevertheless, any alternative should be rated in terms of the ultimate objective, so it is necessary first to evaluate its impact on the lower-level objectives and then to map this impact on the ultimate objective. This requires a thorough analysis and structuring of objectives. Here, based on Keeney’s Value-Focused Thinking approach, we develop a model which fulfils those requirements, for evaluating the feasibility of a waste water treatment plant at a privateowned school. The usage of the model is illustrated for a case-model school, finishing with a sensitivity analysis.
Keywords : análisis de Decisiones; Tratamiento de Agua; Factibilidad.