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GONZALEZ ROBLERO, Vladimir. Avatars of Cultural Management. Approaches from the Degree in Management And Promotion of the Arts in UNICACH. Península [online]. 2018, vol.13, n.2, pp.187-212. ISSN 1870-5766.

In the field of training of cultural managers, we can locate two scenarios: the cultural sector, where non-formal training spaces are inserted; and the formal university education sector, where the arts have only recently sought a space for professionalization.

In 2004, the UNICACH created the degree in Management and Promotion of the Arts in the University of Sciences and Arts of Chiapas. It was founded on recognizing the need to professionalize the region’s cultural managers, many of them employed in the business of culture, as well as teachers of artistic education who needed to study higher arts in order to teach.

Here I will analyze the training of cultural managers within the framework of the institutionalization of knowledge; the emergence of its agents as epistemic subjects that will arrive as avatars or facets of cultural management, specifically those graduates that appear in this degree program.

Keywords : Institutionalization of knowledge; epistemic subject; cultural management; professionalization; degree document.

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