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vol.16 número2Gobernanza en la gestión integral de recursos hídricos en las subcuencas Río Sabinal y Cañón Del Sumidero en Chiapas, México índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Agricultura, sociedad y desarrollo

versão impressa ISSN 1870-5472


REBOLLAR REBOLLAR, Eulogio et al. Participation and regional specialization of grains for livestock consumption in Mexico, 2003-2013. agric. soc. desarro [online]. 2019, vol.16, n.2, pp.141-158.  Epub 25-Fev-2020. ISSN 1870-5472.

The objective was to determine the participation and specialization of grains for livestock consumption from 2003 and 2013 in eight regions of Mexico (Northwest NW, North N, Northeast NE, Center-West CW, Center-East CE, South S, East E and Yucatan Peninsula PE). Regional analysis techniques were used, such as: participation of the sector in the region, participation of the region in the sector, and localization quotient. Maize and sorghum made higher contributions to the production value of grains for livestock consumption in Mexico, with 69.68 and 18.24 % in 2003; and 69.92 and 16.88 % in 2013. The highest contribution was made by the CW region with 27 % in maize and 40 % in sorghum. At the end of the study, maize increased its participation in CW and NE to 70.68 and 23.25 %; while sorghum decreased to 24.94 and 74.21 %. The S, E and PE regions maintained their specialization in maize, while CW increased in sorghum and NE decreased. The CE region increased its specialization in barley, NW continued specializing in wheat, and N in oats. The regional specialization of grains for livestock consumption in Mexico was different during the study years.

Palavras-chave : localization quotient; regional contribution.

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