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vol.15 número2El aporte de los instrumentos internacionales y de la normativa voluntaria. La formación universitaria en educación ambiental en las ingenierías en ArgentinaEstructura del ingreso y consumo de hogares rurales en diferentes regiones agro-económicas de Puebla, México índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Agricultura, sociedad y desarrollo

versión impresa ISSN 1870-5472


LEE-CORTES, Jimena V.  y  DELGADILLO-MACIAS, Javier. Territorial Potential as Factor of Development: Rural Management Model. agric. soc. desarro [online]. 2018, vol.15, n.2, pp.191-213. ISSN 1870-5472.

In view of the problems faced by the rural environment in the last decade, instruments have been promoted that are leading towards their solution; however, institutional contributions have been limited and unfavorable for a better development of the territories. Nevertheless, these efforts are recognized as models for the reorientation of the public policy directed at the rural sector. The objective of this study is to show that the potentials for development and public programs with possible impact require methodological proposals that are sensitive to the components of the productive and social structure, and to the problems that prevent improving the living conditions of the rural population and promoting territorial development. For this purpose, a model of socio-spatial interaction that shows the characteristics of the local activities and resources, as well as the role of public, social and private action as integrating factors of development for the territories selected.

Palabras llave : rural development; territorial management; socio-spatial interaction; rural programs; territorial potentials for development.

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