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Agricultura, sociedad y desarrollo

versión impresa ISSN 1870-5472


MINAVERRY, Clara M.  y  GALLY, Teresa. Contribution of International Instruments and Voluntary Regulations: University Training in Environmental Education in Engineering Branches in Argentina. agric. soc. desarro [online]. 2018, vol.15, n.2, pp.173-190. ISSN 1870-5472.

The objective of this study is to expose the central aspects described by a selection of international instruments, whose contents justify the incorporation of “environmental education” in programs of different university careers, especially in those linked to the productive scope, as is the case of engineering branches. Our working hypothesis is based on the fact that all the concepts that derive from such instruments (about sustainability, clean production and environmental education) are fundamental to achieve an integral training of professionals. In this sense, those that graduate from university careers and graduate studies that are linked to these areas are habitually in charge of implementing a series of productive processes, whose execution involves different decisions in relation to the application of sustainable or non-sustainable practices. This is a study of an exploratory nature; its structure is biological-documental and descriptive, and the methodology used is qualitative. The hermeneutics of normative texts and public documents is used as analysis technique. As conclusion, it is considered to be fundamental to understand the voluntary norms on social responsibility, since these can cover some legal lapses, or else, complement the current regulations.

Palabras llave : international law; production; social responsibility; sustainability; university.

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