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vol.11 número3Género, economía del cuidado y pago del trabajo doméstico rural en Jilotepec, Estado de México¿Quién toma las decisiones agrícolas? Mujeres propietarias en el Ecuador índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Agricultura, sociedad y desarrollo

versión impresa ISSN 1870-5472


AYALA-CARRILLO, María del Rosario; ZAPATA-MARTELO, Emma; SUAREZ-SAN ROMAN, Blanca  y  NAZAR-BEAUTELSPACHER, Austreberta. Family reproduction strategies in coffee plantations of the soconusco, Chiapas. agric. soc. desarro [online]. 2014, vol.11, n.3, pp.401-423. ISSN 1870-5472.

The border space that México and Guatemala share stands out because of the intense movement of the indigenous Guatemalan population employed as day workers and who migrate temporarily with some members of the family: boys, girls and teenagers, to go to the main agricultural regions and attain an opportunity for work and income. This article is centered on three principal aspects, framed by the discussion of reproduction strategies: migration as a component of such a strategy, family composition and, finally, how child labor becomes essential for the survival of the family because of their economic contribution.

Palabras llave : family strategies; child labor; day worker labor.

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