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Agricultura, sociedad y desarrollo

Print version ISSN 1870-5472


NUNEZ-ESPINOZA, Juan F.; FIGUEROA RODRIGUEZ, Oscar L.  and  JIMENEZ-SANCHEZ, Leobardo. Elements available to analyze social networks for rural development in Mexico: the RENDRUS case. agric. soc. desarro [online]. 2014, vol.11, n.1, pp.1-24. ISSN 1870-5472.

In spite of the conditions of socioeconomic marginalization that countless rural producers experience in México, their abilities to invent and innovate their family systems for food production and income have helped them stimulate and escalate the technology transference process for agricultural and livestock production in México. Innovations have a differentiated impact to generate local strategies for rural development; an example of this is the construction of social networks for distribution and management of knowledge with the potential to impact development at the local or regional level. One of these socio-reticular mechanisms is the National Network for Sustainable Rural Development (Red Nacional de Desarrollo Rural Sustentable, RENDRUS), a space where various types of social actors who share their own successful experiences in rural development come together. For 17 years the RENDRUS forums have been organized around the dynamic of knowledge exchange between producers; this exchange is what authorizes speaking of integration of a cognitive structure with different levels of organization and impact on the rural environment in México. The study of these types of exchanges, through the Social Network Analysis (SNA) allows distinguishing the social construction of knowledge and its potential to promote, through this type of network of knowledge, rural development dynamics both at the level of community and for entire regions.

Keywords : food; knowledge; exchange; synergy; visualization.

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