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vol.9 número3Los determinantes del desarrollo local: Un estudio de caso en Chiapas, México índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Agricultura, sociedad y desarrollo

versión impresa ISSN 1870-5472


MUNIZ-MONTERO, Isabel. Defense and conservation of cultural heritage in the City of Cholula, México: the case of ProCholula, A.C.. agric. soc. desarro [online]. 2012, vol.9, n.3, pp.231-250. ISSN 1870-5472.

The city of San Pedfo Cholula, in the Mexican state of Puebla, is considered the most ancient city in the Americas still living; it has an important Pre-Hispanic, Colonial and Modern cultural heritage. Interest over attracting entrepreneurial investment and converting cultural heritage into merchandise to attract tourism directly affects the heritage and the population. Terefore, a series of debates and discourses have increasingly come face to face. The objective of this study was to analyze three notions about cultural heritage present in the city of San Pedro Cholula: that of the State, that of the community and that of activist groups. In order to do this, the case of ProCholula A.C. was analyzed, a civil association that considers itself "defender of cultural heritage". We conclude that economic interests and the value of use that the space is given determine the utilization the State gives to heritage, with the consequent impacts on inhabitants.

Palabras llave : city; culture; hegemony; non-governmental organizations; ProCholula.

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