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vol.6 número1Contiendas agrarias internacionales: los campesinos migrantes y su derecho a la movilidad. (Análisis trasnacional)El costo emocional de la separación en niños migrantes: un estudio de caso de migración familiar entre Tlaxcala y California índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Agricultura, sociedad y desarrollo

versión impresa ISSN 1870-5472


ARANA-HERNANDEZ, María del S.; RODRIGUEZ-MALDONADO, José de J.  y  CARRASCO-RIVAS, Guillermo D.. Agricultural workers migration from Tlaxcala to Canada: a complex system. agric. soc. desarro [online]. 2009, vol.6, n.1, pp.61-79. ISSN 1870-5472.

In this article, system theory or a systemic approach is used in order to explain interrelations in the complex and multi-factorial migratory process that hundreds of people from Tlaxcala go through every year, especially during the season when Canada requires labor for its agricultural work, which spans from greenhouse preparation to harvesting and packing fruits and vegetables; migration is legal under the implementation of the Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program México - Canada (PTAT, for its initials in Spanish), which is managed in México by the Ministry of Labor and Social Prevision, in each of the participating entities in the country. This is a historical process which, due to its complexity, requires a holistic approach in order to tackle not only the economic, demographic or cultural aspects of the process, but also the political, environmental and even the visible and invisible of subjective aspects that the process and actors involved present: domestic violence, psychological disorders, and emotional, moral and even existential crises. Thus, a new perspective is used for the analysis of the migratory process from the state of Tlaxcala.

Palabras llave : Canada; labor; migration; systems theory; Tlaxcala.

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