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Revista latinoamericana de derecho social

On-line version ISSN 2448-7899Print version ISSN 1870-4670


KURCZYN VILLALOBOS, Patricia  and  PASTRANA GONZALEZ, Miguel Ángel. Mexican migrant workers in Canada. Rev. latinoam. derecho soc [online]. 2016, n.22. ISSN 2448-7899.

This article analyzes the phenomenon of controlled labor migration, such as the Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program, executed between Mexico and Canada. The issue is addressed from a legal and sociological point of view, through consultations of access to information it was possible to analyze documents and real and specific situations. Besides, more than 40 years of the celebration of the Memorandum of Understanding between our country and Canada, it is considered relevant to conduct a study showing the modifications that the labor regulatory framework and the applying contracts have undergone; moreover, it is important to fully comprehend that both globalization and migration have increased, and that the living conditions of laborers have also changed despite the efforts of authorities and civil society to protect the human rights of Mexican migrants.

Keywords : Agricultural workers; migrants; social security; SWAP; migration; Memorandum of Understanding; farms; living conditions.

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