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Revista pueblos y fronteras digital
versión On-line ISSN 1870-4115
PINKUS RENDON, Manuel Jesús; PACHECO CASTRO, Jorge y LUGO PEREZ, José Antonio. Las poblaciones rurales de Mérida y sus relaciones interétnicas con esta ciudad capital de la entidad yucateca de México. Rev. pueblos front. digit. [online]. 2011, vol.6, n.12, pp.236-267. ISSN 1870-4115.
The aim of this paper is to propose some reflections on the relationships they establish the 47 rural communities in the municipality of Merida, in the context of their daily contact with the city and the liberal economic processes, through which fosters unprecedented expansion of economic relations, new lifestyles and social values, and with them the spread of occidental culture. In essence, we will highlight the inter ethnic ties which provide these villages with the main towns, highlighting the place and sense of identity that represented within its current social structure.
Palabras llave : inter ethnic relations; urban and rural population.