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vol.5 número10Vejez en edad extrema. Un estudio de etnogerontología socialIntercambio trasfronterizo de servicios de salud y medicinas en la región de Tijuana y San Diego índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista pueblos y fronteras digital

versión On-line ISSN 1870-4115


REYNOSO VALLEJO, Humberto. Social capital and substance abuse treatment among low-income Puertorican women. Rev. pueblos front. digit. [online]. 2010, vol.5, n.10, pp.250-302. ISSN 1870-4115.

The prevalence of substance abuse constitutes an increasing problem among low-income urban women in Puerto Rico. Access to treatment may play an important role in remission, however, little is known about women‘s utilization. Further, the mediating role of social capital in substance abuse treatment utilization is unknown. This study examines the relative role of social capital and other factors in obtaining substance abuse treatment of women ages 18-35 living in high-risk urban areas of San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Palabras llave : social capital; substance abuse treatment utilization; Puerto Rican women.

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