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Revista pueblos y fronteras digital
versión On-line ISSN 1870-4115
ALARCON LAVIN, Roberto Rafael. La biopiratería de los recursos de la medicina indígena tradicional en el Estado Chiapas, México —El caso ICBG-Maya—. Rev. pueblos front. digit. [online]. 2010, vol.5, n.10, pp.151-180. ISSN 1870-4115.
With this paper i pretend to bring a brief analysis on how biopiracy has been experienced and manage by the Mayas of Chiapas. For this we have to mention agreements and international norms for the protection of the resources and knowledge of original people; economical background and its characteristics in the international and national level, which give the pattern for the new wave of bioprospective projects on vegetal resources used in indigenous medicine, directed from de north to the south countries; some experiences of it in South America and other undeveloped countries: the explanation of most relevant elements of the project ICBG-Maya, operated by El Colegio de la Frontera Sur, Ecosur, Georgia University —with the support of the government of the United States— and biotechnology laboratory Molecular Nature Limited form Whales, UK; in the last term we describe the struggle that the Consejo de Médicos y Parteras Indígenas Tradicionales de Chiapas, Compitch, to evict the project and some alternative proposals.
Palabras llave : bioprospection-biopiracy; ICBG-Maya; Compitch.