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vol.5 número10Brujería: códigos restringidos respecto a la causalidad de la enfermedad. Estudio de caso en la periferia urbana de Cuernavaca, MorelosAspectos socioculturales que delimitan las diferencias entre los sistemas etnomédicos de Chamula, Chenalhó y Oxchuc en el Estado de Chiapas índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista pueblos y fronteras digital

versión On-line ISSN 1870-4115


EROZA SOLANA, Enrique. Las dimensiones visibles e invisibles de la vida social. Narrativas del padecimiento entre los chamulas. Rev. pueblos front. digit. [online]. 2010, vol.5, n.10, pp.58-122. ISSN 1870-4115.

Through an analysis of the narrative constructs around the experiences of suffering among Chamula indigenous people, the author explores the meanings of the constitutive elements of the corresponding interpretive framework. What is outstanding, first of all, is what the author refers to as dialogue with the body, describing a combination of diverse options for health care, based on the treatment of symptoms and reactions to treatment, frequently linked to the cold-warm duality, but especially to the body’s capacity for maintaining itself active. Also worth noting are the impacts from emotions, whether as triggers for one’s suffering, or as obstacles to recuperating one’s health. And in this regard, the relevance of current social processes is also described. Lastly, the author describes and analyzes the articulation of ideas related to divine punishment, witchcraft and spiritual conceptions—which together describe a vision that is uncertain as well as conflictive and inconsistent with social life, and that shapes the local visions related to sickness and misfortune.

Palabras llave : chamulas; suffering; emotions.

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