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vol.5 número10Ixtlamatki versus nahualli. Chamanismo, nahualismo y brujería en la Sierra Negra de PueblaLas dimensiones visibles e invisibles de la vida social. Narrativas del padecimiento entre los chamulas índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista pueblos y fronteras digital

versión On-line ISSN 1870-4115


GONZALEZ CHEVEZ, Lilián. Brujería: códigos restringidos respecto a la causalidad de la enfermedad. Estudio de caso en la periferia urbana de Cuernavaca, Morelos. Rev. pueblos front. digit. [online]. 2010, vol.5, n.10, pp.24-57. ISSN 1870-4115.

El daño or witchcraft—as a social practice and a reflective social event in the world composed of the lives of subjects—has, in the context of communication practice, its own discursive genres that are specific to the social interaction within a determined group. This article describes the particularity of this genre in a subordinated social context in the urban periphery of Cuernavaca, where through certain variations in spoken language, this major health risk factor is expressed in codes. Knowledge of these restricted cultural codes allows for identifying the complexity of sociocultural meanings and practices characterizing the processes of health, illness and health care.

Palabras llave : witchcraft; restricted codes; subordinated culture; health risk; Morelos; Mexico; daño; popular nosology.

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