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Región y sociedad
versión On-line ISSN 2448-4849versión impresa ISSN 1870-3925
SOLIS LOPEZ, Mayra Karina et al. From the Plot to the Market: Economic Strategies of the Peasant Domestic Units in the Santiago Mixquitla Market. Región y sociedad [online]. 2022, vol.34, e1595. Epub 01-Jun-2023. ISSN 2448-4849.
Objective: to analyze the peasant households’ strategies for obtaining resources from family farming and commercialization of their products in the Santiago Mixquitla market in San Pedro Cholula, Puebla. Methodology: a survey was applied to thirty merchants and an in-depth interview to five members of peasant households. Results: 32.1% of the sample is constituted by two or more reproductive nuclei that commercialize vegetables, fruits, seeds and transformed products of pre-Hispanic origin that are part of the local gastronomy, such as pulque. It was also found out that, in a differentiated way, that its members also carry out domestic and care work, take advantage of forest resources, and execute wage labor. Value: the study provides up-to-date information on peasant families and their social reproduction strategies. Conclusions: the peasant domestic unit deploys to multiple economic strategies to obtain subsistence resources.
Palabras llave : strategies; peasant domestic units; merchants; women; family participation.