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Región y sociedad
versión On-line ISSN 2448-4849versión impresa ISSN 1870-3925
VAZQUEZ GARCIA, Verónica. Gender and land grabbing: The New International Airport of Mexico City. Región y sociedad [online]. 2018, vol.30, n.73, 0007. ISSN 2448-4849.
This paper explores the gender dynamics of land grabbing in the municipality of Atenco, State of Mexico, for the construction of the New Mexico City International Airport. Drawing on data obtained through three research tools (ejidal file systematization; participant observation; in-depth interviews), the paper examines gender discrimination in land sales and women’s strategies to fight it. The article makes three contributions: analyzing a poorly theorized sector (communication infrastructure); relying on both documental and grass-root testimonies in order to do so; highlighting gender impacts and women’s roles in resistance movements. The paper shows that land grabbing involves not only State and capital, but also community structures that reproduce gender inequality and contribute to the concentration of wealth and political privilege in few, masculine hands.
Palabras llave : gender; inequality; land grabbing; property right; land markets; disentailment.