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Región y sociedad

On-line version ISSN 2448-4849Print version ISSN 1870-3925


ARREOLA MUNOZ, Arturo V.  and  SALDIVAR MORENO, Antonio. From Reclus to Harvey, territory resignification in the construction of sustainability. Región y sociedad [online]. 2017, vol.29, n.68, pp.223-257. ISSN 2448-4849.

The purpose of this article is to theoretically and conceptually reflect on the territory and its resignification in the construction of sustainability. It refers to the complex systems theory from a constructivist approach, and to geography and political ecology as an approximation to the notions of territorial appropriation, territorialisation, deterritorialisation and reterritorialisation. Deductive discussion of five theses concludes with a postulate that takes up Gunderson and Holling’s proposal (2002) so as to explain the adaptive processes of the socio-territorial systems, which are mediated through dialogic chains. Nowadays, the emerging social movements generate innovations that in a hybrid way recreate concepts such as diversity, autonomy, equity and sustainability. It enables to resignify the political dialogue of the paradigm through the territory among the spaces of hope (antisystemic networks), the exclusive ones (globalized networks) and the ones of despair (fragmented spaces).

Keywords : territorialisation; socio-territorial movements; sustainability; political ecology; globalization; social systems.

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