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vol.21 número46Retos del crédito agrícola: estudio de caso de la intermediación financiera en el sur de Sonora, MéxicoMallas de valor global en la agricultura de hortalizas en México. El caso de Sayula, Jalisco índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Región y sociedad

versão On-line ISSN 2448-4849versão impressa ISSN 1870-3925


MAYA AMBIA, Carlos Javier  e  LOPEZ BARRAZA, Lydia María. El nodo de distribución en la cadena hortícola de valor México-Estados Unidos: El caso de las exportaciones sinaloenses de productos frescos. Región y sociedad [online]. 2009, vol.21, n.46, pp.79-112. ISSN 2448-4849.

Sinaloa is the leading Mexican state exporter of fresh produce to the United States.This Mexican state participates in the globalization process through the horticultural value chain which merges both countries. In order to function efficiently, the chain depends on the role played by the fresh vegetable distribution companies in the United States. Based on field work carried out in the border zone of Nogales,Arizona, where distribution companies handle an important percentage of exports from Sinaloa, this article aims to explain the main features of this horticultural value chain, in the context of the global fresh produce market. Furthermore, it analyzes the experience of Sinaloan growers, who established their own distribution companies in U.S. territory.The goal was to improve their competitive position in the U.S. market and gain more control over their products. The article also discusses the challenges imposed by globalization to the distribution companies and their current situation.

Palavras-chave : fresh produce; exports; horticultural value chain; competition; fresh vegetable distribution companies; Sinaloa.

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