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vol.15 número28Tendencias recientes de la migración internacional y las remesas en CoahuilaLa integración telemática en México: algunos límites y contradicciones de la planeación centralizada índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Región y sociedad

versión On-line ISSN 2448-4849versión impresa ISSN 1870-3925


CARRILLO, Jorge  y  ZARATE CORNEJO, Robert. Limitaciones de los proveedores mexicanos de la electrónica frente a los extranjeros. Región y sociedad [online]. 2003, vol.15, n.28, pp.161-191. ISSN 2448-4849.

This article compared two types of suppliers in the electronic industry in Baja California: domestic and foreign. On the one hand, the Mexican supplier has important limitations: technological, productive and employment size. Also, the production of indirect materials and components, plus traditional organization base on familiar linkages produced important obstacles. Those characteristics limited the integration of Mexican suppliers in the commodity chain of the electronic industry and especially with transnational firms. On the other hand, the foreign suppliers are specialized in direct materials (tier two), based on longterm relationships with transnational firms. This allows them to obtain technological and technical capabilities, more skill people and more training, all of which guarantee their competitiveness on quality, cost and just in time delivery.

Palabras llave : local suppliers; transnational firms; technology; competitiveness; maquiladoras.

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